The married life is a challenging, but fulfilling vocation. When we see our bride at the altar or when we see the face of our child for the first time, there is no love like it on Earth. Many men also don’t know what to do after that baby comes (I was and still am one of those men). This blog’s purpose is to give you the tools to attempt to be a good father. This is not a blog that will be teaching you how to build a crib or change a diaper. This blog is about leading your family, and raising good men and women.

If you are not a father, this blog still has substantial value. The lessons in this blog transcend fatherhood and are even meant to help those who have, by a great misfortune, lost connection with their fathers. 

Who Am I

My name is Chris. First and foremost, I am a Catholic, so this blog focuses heavily on my relationship with God. I am also a relatively new father. I know nearly nothing about fatherhood and am learning along the way, but want you to be part of that journey so you could perhaps grow alongside me. I have a beautiful wife and daughter and am learning new things about them and myself every day. I’m not a huge fan of watching sports, but I love playing them and I adore the outdoors and music.
